Donald Joseph Qualls better known by DJ Qualls, his stage title DJ Qualls was born in the US. He is an actor, producer and model. His fame was sparked by his appearance in Road Trip. Since then, he has appeared on 20 features, such like The New Guy Hustle & Flow or The Core. He's also been in 22 television shows, including Breaking Bad Supernatural scrubs lost Law & Order among others. Qualls who was diagnosed at age 14 with Hodgkin lymphoma is an incredibly strong fighter. It was remissioned after two years. The treatment began so early that it had a severe influence on the body and slowed his growth. Once he started acting financially secure, it was his goal because the experience of poverty was a constant throughout his childhood. I've lived so frugally over the years that I need the financial stability or my life feels out of control for me he said in an interview. He thinks back to his early years, and is driven by the desire to act against bullying. Cruelty breaks my heart DJ claims. He claims that his dream role would be to portray father figures in the real world and on film. Director doesn't pick him for these roles but he does say. He hopes to become father to children.
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